Thursday, December 24, 2015

6 Pack Ab Routine

I never worked on abs seriously. With the loath of fat on belly, it did not made much sense either. This was till my body fat percentage was above 20. Now I keep fluctuating between 19 and 20.  This seems to be the correct time to start on 6pacab. Research shows you can still develop those abs even if I have some fat on the belly but 6pacab will be visible only when body  fat percentage goes down  below 15.

I have started with the following.
Lower Abs -  Every alternate days / 2 exercises / 5 sets per exercise /  reps upto 30 sec with 30 sec rest per set.
Upper Abs -  Every alternate days / 2 exercises / 5 sets per exercise / reps upto 30 sec with 30 sec rest per set.

I will follow this routine for a while. Already started wih this routine this week and it seems to be working. I can feel the ab muscles special lower ab muscles being worked out. I will keep the progress posted.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Party Week

Last two weeks have been terrific. They bounced my body fat percentage  to 21.1. Yes that's correct 21.1 My weight bounced back to 170 lbs. After the last 15th dec body fat percentage reading of 19.7 and weight of 166 lbs, i had to find answers to what went wrong.

What went wrong?
If I am correct all blame goes to eating out for 5 times in 14 day period. All 5 days I ate junk. White rice, chicken wings but they were all sort of flavored wings. I am sure it must have impacted the body fat percentage a lot. There is no space for slipping out on diet. My body is not going to take in so many days of junk food into consideration, even though I followed a clean diet for 20 days. Those 5 days of junk ruined my progress.

What I will do?
Follow strict diet. Can't eat junk. Always keep meal options available in car while travelling or going out. Egg whites are best and quick ways to get proteins.

As  of today my body fat percentage was well below 20 and weight around 168 lbs. But this week surely was not what I expected it to be. Targeting to get body stats of 19.7 and weight 166 by end of this week on  25 or 26th.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

New Lowest Weight 166

So it seems like every day is going to be a achievement this week. I lost another pound and my weight is down to 166. I am expecting this stint of lb a day loss to continue for another 4 to 5 days so expecting another 4 to 5 pound loss. The most probable reason for weight loss happening after 25 days of moderately clean diet could be that my body dint understood how can it get clean food after 34 years of junk. Once my body understood that now it's clean diet each day in and out maybe it has started reacting positively by shading off the extra lbs. I still eat some oily foods and  let it go easy on my taste buds by having a bite of junk food. Once I hit a plateau in weight loss and if then I am still above that 12 % body fat percentage, I will try to give up on oily foods and hold on my taste buds for tasting the junk food.

Said that again I am happy with the overall progress with
Weight 166 lbs
Body fat 19.7%

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

New Lowest weight 167

Today I will be taking off from gym. All my rib cage muscles are stressed and I can feel a little discomfort from the abs exercise which i did for the first time. I Still went ahead and did a cardio session at home. I did 30 sec burpee with 30 sec rest. My heart rate stayed above 150 most of the time.

Said that I can see that I weighed a pound less than yesterday. Now I am 167 lbs. The max body fat percentage of last 5 days is 19.7. So we will mark it as a baseline here.

I am happy with the overall progress of being at 167 lbs and body fat percentage of 19.7.  So this is loss of .5 % in 5 days.

Target is to get body fat percentage below 15 to get those visible abs.

Monday, December 14, 2015

New lowest weight

Today I weighed 168 pounds, the lowest weight since November 20th. I weighed 174 at the start of november. I am glad to add here that I am putting up some muscles and the weight loss is mostly a fat loss. This can be further confirmed by the body fat percentage. My body fat percentage was 20.5 in Nov, around 20.3 on 5th dec, 20.2 around 10th dec and as of today it's below 20.

To keep it simple the calculation says that I lost around 0.5% of body fat which is around 8 lbs. I lost around 6 lbs. So I am happy and on track to the 6 pack dream.

Friday, December 11, 2015

No Excuses

After late night party and returning home around midnight. It's around 6 eastern and I am ready to hit the gym with a hangover. No excuses whatsoever.

How much will liquor impact 6 pack abs

So today.. we had a company party and I drank almost 4 long island drinks and 1 shot. what long island means? God knows!!! But I can feel pretty high. Almost after 20 days I started the clean nutrition, this was the first time I slipped Intentionally. Intentional because it will help me find out how much I need to control the urge and hold on the horses.

We will be able to find this out only after 5 days on 15th of dec. As every 5 days I will be counting my body fat percentage. Today morning it was 20.3, if it stays 20.3 or above it on 15th dec, i will have to leave any form of alcohol completely. For now I can surely tell that my stomach feels bloated more than it felt in last 20 days. There is yet another party tomorow, which I will have to attend and limit myself to chicken item and avoid drinks as much as possible. If someone forces I can still have a glass of beer but if next week's body fat percentage doesn't end up below 20.3 then I will have to leave alcohol completely.

So that's it for today. Good night.